How to Coyote Hunt at Night

You might know how to call a coyote, aim it, and hunt it down in the light. But let’s face it. Coyote hunting gets way more difficult in the dark. Unlike humans, coyotes can navigate in the dark, just like cats and dogs. One wrong move and your prey will surely be out of your aim and vision.

So what’s the solution to this? You don’t want to spend a full night of frustration and return home empty-handed. Coyote hunting at night is usually done with the help of night vision scopes, thermal scopes, or spotlights. But here’s a lot more to it. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to coyote hunt at night.

Note: Always make sure to read the instruction manual for hunting in your area if you don’t want to get hunted by police while hunting coyotes. 

What Gear Do I Need to Go for Coyotes Hunting at Night?

How to Coyote Hunt at Night

Before we go to the hunting section, let’s recall the necessary gear you must have before going for a night coyote hunt.

  • Thermal or Night Vision Optics

In my opinion, these gears make catching prey at night way easy. Especially since coyotes are highly sensitive animals, they’ll respond to light swiftly. Night vision for coyote hunting is also beginner-friendly and it’ll help you become a better hunter over time.

  • Flash Light

Apart from thermal and night vision optics, a flashlight is a must-have. You can’t navigate through the dark night. After you’ve made a successful hunt, you have to go back to your camp or car. A flashlight will help you ensure you don’t step on a deadly snake in the way!

  • Electronic Predator Calls or Scents

Since coyotes are social animals, they respond to a family call. You can take advantage here by faking the call with an electronic caller. If you prefer the traditional way, you can also make the call yourself. But you have to be really precise. Alternatively, scents are also a good option.

  • Firearms and ammunition

Now I’m supposing that your preferred weapon of choice is obviously firearms. Make sure that you choose a high-powered rifle or shotgun. Moreover, use appropriate ammunition for ethical and successful hunting.

  • Navigation Tools

A GPS device will help you mark for hunting locations. Furthermore, if you’re not familiar with the area, it’s a must-have to return safely.

  • Clothing

Since its night time Coyote hunting we’re doing, camouflaged clothes aren’t necessary. The night is the camouflage. But don’t pick clothes that are bright and make you visible at night. Furthermore, ensure that the clothes you’re picking also don’t make noise while moving.

  • First Aid Kit

If you don’t want to die, always have a first aid kit and arm’s length. If you get bitten by a snake or another deadly animal, having a first aid kit will help you receive initial treatment before reaching a nearby hospital.

  • Rangefinder

In low-light conditions, human eyes don’t work precisely. So it is a good practice to also include a rangefinder in your gear. It will help you measure distances and make accurate shots.

How to Coyote Hunt at Night

Now, coming to the awaited hunting guide, here are some tips for a successful night coyote hunting.

Scouting the Area Before Night Time

Scouting can oftentimes really come in handy. Without exploring the area properly, you’ll likely fail in your hunting. Firstly, you might not get anywhere near a coyote. Secondly, imagine approaching another beginner hunter and getting shot. 

While it is already daytime, you should familiarize yourself with the area. Even if you know the area, explore a bit and you’ll probably bump into another hunter. Negotiate with any hunters in the area and mark the locations where they’re taking spots.

However, the main reason why you’re scouting the area during the day is to look for active coyotes in the area. Mark several locations of spotted coyotes via your GPS device. Also, mark the location you’d return to after a successful hunt. Take into account how far you can shoot and sit in an area that is not visually clear and from where you can easily spot and shoot a coyote.

Don’t make the mistake of sitting on dry leaves. It’ll make a rustle and the coyotes will run away while you’re taking aim. Moreover, wear dim or dull clothes that do not make a sound while moving.

Gathering the Coyotes

Gathering the coyotes at night typically involves using a combination of strategic techniques and equipment. The conventional way is to use an electronic caller. These callers usually mimic the sound of distressed coyotes. It’s a highly effective method and most hunters use it.

If your vocal controls are pretty good, you can save money on an electronic caller and make the sound yourself. But as aforementioned, you have to be precise A slight error in the voice and the coyotes will run away.

A good practice is to take a spot downwind. Coyotes have a keen sense of smell and they’ll smell you if the wind carries your scent. A disadvantage to this method is that coyote scents won’t be effective. However, callers will be.

Some people also use decoys for coyote hunting. But for night hunting it isn’t recommended. Firstly, hunting owls will tear and catch the decoys before they garner any real coyotes’ attention. Secondly, even if you’re using this method, you’d have to set up multiple decoys and game cameras to keep an eye on them. That means an extra budget.

Different ways of hunting a Coyote at Night

How to Coyote Hunt at Night

For starters, let’s discuss the two main ways you can easily and successfully hunt a coyote at night.

Hunting with lights: 

Hunting via lights is the first method. A regular spotlight or a powerful headlamp will do the job. But if you have a good budget and you’re really into the process, use infrared hunting lights. You can’t really see with these lights but they’ll help you spot the flashing eyes of coyotes.

A big mistake most hunters make while using lights is to sit quite, without lights, and as soon as the coyote approaches, they turn on the light. Remember, you’ll never get a coyote in years if you make his mistake. The moment a coyote feels a change in the environment, it’ll run away. Turning the light always on and flashing it on the coyote’s eyes slowly will numb its senses a bit. That makes it an easy prey.

Hunting without Lights:

Yes, you can do it, with the help of night vision or thermal topics. Night vision for coyote hunting is beginner-friendly but unfriendly to your pocket as these optics will easily cost you at least $500. Furthermore, they can be damaged by high temperatures and water.

While hunting with thermal or night vision optics, constantly make calls and scan the area. As soon as a coyote binges in the area, shoot it down with your rifle. 

Patience, Persistence, and Silence is the Key

Coyote hunting is a real test of your resilience. If you want to pass this test, be patient, persistent, and silent. Coyotes are known for their cautious and wary nature. They may take time to approach a hunting setup, respond to calls, or investigate decoys. So, patience is essential for waiting quietly and motionless for extended periods. It’ll allow you to maximize the chances of encountering a coyote and pulling the trigger to the hunt.

Now I know that the process can be challenging at times, and success may not come quickly. That’s why you have to be persistent. Persistence involves the determination to keep trying, even in the face of initial failures. Coyotes may not respond to calls immediately, and locations that seem promising might not yield results on the first attempt. Being persistent and trying different setups or locations increases the likelihood of success over time.

Lastly, coyotes have extraordinary hearing. Excessive noise or sudden movements can alert them to the presence of a hunter, causing them to avoid the area. And during a cold and lonely night, even breaths sound like drums. I’m not exactly saying you to stop breathing at all, but make sure to do it slowly and silently, especially when a coyote is nearby. Silence is crucial when setting up, waiting for coyotes to approach, and when using calls. Minimizing noises will ensure that coyotes are not spooked before you have a chance to make the shot.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, successful coyote hunting at night requires a combination of strategic planning, proper equipment, and a deep understanding of coyote behavior.

The use of thermal or night vision optics coupled with electronic calls and effective scouting will enhance your choices for a successful hunt.

However, it’s crucial you exercise patience, and persistence and maintain science throughout the process.

With the given tips and tricks, you’ll surely become a better hunter. But always give your safety first priority. So go out there, try these tricks, and get a successful night coyote hunt. 

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